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Careers Overview & Policy

The current careers programme is delivered through a combination of methods, including Tutor Time in Years 7 to 11, assemblies, presentations, employer visits to school and student visits to places of employment. All students have one half term of PSHE which specifically focuses on Careers. In addition, students in Year 9 have a half term of careers lessons delivered through our Flourish programme. Student in Year 10 access a careers lesson once a fortnight. In Year 11 all students have a series of 1:1 careers appointments to help them with their next steps.

The objectives of our careers programme are to:

  • Provide comprehensive information and advice
  • Raise aspirations
  • Actively promote equality of opportunity and challenge stereotypes
  • Help students to progress
  • Empower students to plan and manage their own futures
  • Respond to the needs of each learner
  • Ensure that all students have the knowledge and understanding required in order to choose between learning options when planning for their future

The programme for KS3 is delivered through tutor time, assemblies and a fortnightly PSHE lesson. At KS3 our objectives are to enable students to:

  • Understand themselves and the influences on them
  • Investigate opportunities in learning and work
  • Make and adjust plans to manage change and transition between each phase of secondary school, including transition from primary, making choices about their curriculum in Year 8 and making their options choices in Year 9.

The programme for Years 10 & 11 becomes more specific as the school aims to support students through the transition of post-16 careers and in doing so the following objectives are set out:

  • Raising students’ self-awareness
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses
  • Increasing occupational opportunities awareness
  • Developing planning skills
  • Facilitating work experience. preparing for 16+ options
  • Investigating 16+ study skills & promoting the notion of lifelong learning
This policy is underpinned by the Education Act and has due regard to the DfE’s statutory guidance, ‘Careers guidance and access for education and training providers.  To view the CEIAG policy, visit our MLT Policies page here.

All students at Nidderdale will:-

Take part in a careers programme in Years 7-11 that encourages them to: 

  • Understand possible options for future education and employment
  • Develop decision-making skills that allow them to manage their own development and progression
  • Source and use appropriate careers and employment information
  • Make the most of work-related activities and experiences, including encounters with employers
  • Contribute to the careers programme by providing evaluation and feedback

Have access to, and guidance in the use of, careers information that is:

  • Accessible and straightforward to use (e.g. on school website/Google site etc.)
  • Up-to-date and wide ranging 
  • Age appropriate and comprehensive

Be offered careers guidance that is:

  • Impartial
  • Confidential
  • Appropriate to their specific needs and circumstances
  • Supportive of diversity and equal opportunities

Nidderdale parents and carers are welcome to:

  • Contact the Head of Careers by phone or email with any queries
  • Arrange a meeting with the Head of Careers to discuss their child’s options and plans
  • Receive information about careers events and activities
  • Give feedback on the content and effectiveness of the careers programme

Evaluation, Monitoring and Review

The careers programme at Nidderdale is constantly improving as we look closely at the needs of our students and how we can best meet them. The careers development plan and policy are reviewed and evaluated and destination data enables us to monitor the progression of our students and the impact of the CEIAG provision. Ongoing feedback and evaluations will also be gathered during the year as we recognise the important role that students and parents have in shaping a child’s career development and the responsibility we have as a school to provide an aspirational, supportive and effective careers programme for all.

Careers information and impact is reviewed annually.


Mrs Ashton, Head of Key Stage 4, is our Careers Lead and can be contacted at the school by email or by telephone 01423 711246.

Please note that information regarding Post 16 events is sent out by Arbor to parents/carers and students.

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