In Year 7 all students will discuss and evaluate the transition from KS2 – KS3, develop topics on the importance and what they hope to achieve by coming to school.
Year 8 look at personal qualities and skills with a view to developing those over the next academic year.
Year 9 start the academic year by undertaking tutor led discussions on ‘what is a decision?’ This is designed to enable them to make decisions about themselves in relation to the KS4 option choices. This is followed by NICE days with involvement in all areas of the curriculum. We also introduce interactive careers software to assist the decision process. In Year 9 we hold information evenings where parent/carers are invited to attend
Having settled into KS4 the focus is on GCSE preparation and work experience which takes place in the summer term.
In September a parent/carer/student evening to launch KS4 and work experience is held followed by assemblies and tutorial sessions.
In the Autumn term our careers event is held where we invite all students from Year 9 – 11 to attend. Present at the event are local colleges/sixth forms/apprenticeship providers offering guidance to students and families regarding the transition to KS5 and leaving Nidderdale.
In Spring term Year 10 have the opportunity to take part in mock interviews and practice interview techniques with professionals who we invite into school. They will work with our students in workshops to enhance their employability skills when venturing into the world of work.
Across the year we hold a series of enterprise activities whilst off-timetable to allow students to further their development. To assist students securing their work experience placements our careers advisor Mrs Eglin is available at break and at lunchtimes to support. She is also available on parents' evenings for years 9 – 11 and on options evening for Year 9.
In our careers area we stock prospectus information for a range of Post 16 options. There is also access to ICT resources to assist students further.
Careers education is promoted cross curricular and options to attend extra curricular are promoted to all students in KS4.
Mrs Eglin, Careers Adviser can be contacted at the school by email or by telephone 01423 714119.
Please note that information regarding Post 16 events is sent out by Classcharts to parents/carers and students.