- Welcome To Nidderdale
- Vision and Values
- Admission
- British values
- Calendar
- School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality and Diversity
- RED Award
- Governance
- Governors Access Area
- KS4 Results
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted Reports and School Performance Tables
- Policies
- Prospectus
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (incl. Teacher Training)
- Safeguarding
- SEND Information
- Staff
- MLT Staff Access Area
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
- Vacancies
Aims and rationale
Our Trust aims to meet its obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) by having due regard to the need to:
- Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- This is important because eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations are essential to achieving our wider aims of educational excellence and transformational personal development.
- These aims are in full alignment with the vision, ethos and values of Moorlands Learning Trust
Our underlying principles
In fulfilling the legal obligations cited above, we are guided by 10 principles which will help us to achieve our aims (above):
- All learners, staff and members of our communities are of equal value
- We respect, value and celebrate difference
- We are committed to maintaining positive relationships and developing a shared sense of belonging with all stakeholders
- We observe best-practice in relation to staff recruitment, retention and professional development
- We aim to actively reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist
- We engage with all stakeholders and make sure we consult on decision-making and significant changes to practices or policies
- Our policies and activities should benefit wider society in the immediate and longer term
- Our approaches and practices are evidence-informed
- Our aims and objectives are specific and measurable and evidence and stakeholder informed
- We review and formulate curricula which develop and promote equality, diversity and community cohesion
- Welcome To Nidderdale
- Vision and Values
- Admission
- British values
- Calendar
- School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality and Diversity
- RED Award
- Governance
- Governors Access Area
- KS4 Results
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted Reports and School Performance Tables
- Policies
- Prospectus
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (incl. Teacher Training)
- Safeguarding
- SEND Information
- Staff
- MLT Staff Access Area
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
- Vacancies