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Our School

red award

We are working towards the Red Kite RED Award (Respect, Equality and Diversity).

Please click here to see our Statement of Intent dated December 2024.  This statement outlines our commitment. Over this academic year, we will begin to implement an action plan to promote the values of equality, respect and diversity.  Check back here for updates throughout the academic year.

Click here to review Moorlands Learning Trust's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Overview of Award Criteria

The Red Kite Alliance RED Award has four strands which are made up of 18 key criteria:

1. School-wide engagement

a) Equality and diversity at the heart of the school’s vision and ethos

b) Effective whole-school leadership for equality and diversity

c) Up-to-date Equalities Policy, Information and Objectives

d) Active engagement of all staff and governors

e) Active engagement of pupils/students

f) Consultation with / positive engagement of parents/carers

2. Actions to eliminate discrimination

a) Effective strategies to create a respectful, inclusive culture

b) Robust policies and systems for tackling bullying, harassment and discriminatory behaviour

c) Regular training for all staff and governors

d) Representation of diversity through curriculum resources and displays

3. Actions to advance equality of opportunity

a) High aspirations and support for all pupils/students to achieve well

b) Support for personal development and positive behaviour

c) Enhanced provision for transition, induction, support and transfer

d) Approaches to staff and governor recruitment, retention and development

4. Actions to foster good relations

a) All staff contribute to the planning and delivery of an inclusive and diverse curriculum

b) Opportunities to experience cultural diversity and develop as global citizens

c) Opportunities to engage with the wider community

d) Positive role models from diverse backgrounds

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