- Welcome To Nidderdale
- Vision and Values
- Admission
- British values
- Calendar
- School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality and Diversity
- RED Award
- Governance
- Governors Access Area
- KS4 Results
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted Reports and School Performance Tables
- Policies
- Prospectus
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (incl. Teacher Training)
- Safeguarding
- SEND Information
- Staff
- MLT Staff Access Area
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
- Vacancies
Current vacancies and Recruitment information
General information
When we have vacancies, we advertise as follows:
Teaching staff: In TES, DfE's Teaching Vacancies & Red Kite Teacher vacancies
Support staff: On the school website & NYC Jobs Bulletin.
Safer Recruitment and safeguarding statement
We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse community and aim to have a workforce reflecting this diversity. We are also committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. We have a robust child protection policy and all staff will receive training relevant to their role at induction and throughout employment at the school. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
This post is subject to satisfactory references and enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records check for work with children. An online search may be undertaken for shortlisted candidates as part of the recruitment process on information available in the public domain. Candidates should disclose anything that may be relevant in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education.
To apply for vacant teaching posts, please complete and submit the application form via TES.
For non-teaching roles, please complete the application form on this page and submit by email to Mrs A Robertson at admin@nidderdale.mlt.co.uk by the closing date.
We make every effort to fill our vacancies as quickly as possible. Short listing takes place shortly after the closing date, and if you are successful, the result of this will be communicated to you via email, so please ensure the email address you give us is correct and viewed regularly.
Due to the number of applicants we receive for each post we may not be able to comment on applications which are not shortlisted.
If you are invited to interview please confirm your attendance as soon as possible. The invitation will detail the process of interview you will undertake, which may include various activities.
Shortlisting / References
Shortlisting of candidates will be against the job description and person specification and during shortlisting particular attention will be paid to any unexplained gaps in employment or repeated changes of employment.
References provided by a candidate directly can not be accepted and instead will be requested from referees who will be asked specific questions relating to the candidate’s suitability to work with children, any disciplinary warnings relating to the safeguarding of children and the candidate’s suitability for the post.
At least one member of the interview panel will have a Safer Recruitment Certificate gained by completing the on-line NSPCC Course. All interviews will be conducted by a minimum of two people.
Interviews for teaching posts will involve students. Candidates will be asked to teach a lesson, students will show the candidates around the school and where appropriate there will also be a student interview panel or activity.
Interviews will always be face-to-face and candidates will always be required to explain any gaps in employment and declare any information that is likely to appear on a DBS disclosure.
All candidates will be asked to bring original documentation confirming any educational and professional qualifications relevant to the post together with proof of identity, proof of eligibility to live and work in the UK and a document (less than 3 months old) showing current address.
Job Offer
All offers of employment are subject to two satisfactory references and an enhanced DBS check. If an issue is identified by the DBS check and the candidate has failed to reveal this information at interview, this could lead to the withdrawal of the offer of employment.
All staff who are new to the school will receive induction training that will include training in child protection, safeguarding and guidance on safe working practices.
- Welcome To Nidderdale
- Vision and Values
- Admission
- British values
- Calendar
- School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality and Diversity
- RED Award
- Governance
- Governors Access Area
- KS4 Results
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted Reports and School Performance Tables
- Policies
- Prospectus
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (incl. Teacher Training)
- Safeguarding
- SEND Information
- Staff
- MLT Staff Access Area
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
- Vacancies